The first round of the 2023 Senior Citizens Cup will be held at 8.30pm on Tuesday, 2nd May.
There are three groups playing simultaneously at Malmesbury Football Club, the Rose & Crown in Lea and the Volunteer in Great Somerford.
The top SEVEN scores from each group will go on to play at the final at the Wellesley Arms in Sutton Benger on Wednesday, 17th May at 8.00pm (Note the earlier start time).
Playing at the Football Club:
Allsorts (Linda Dolman)
Dolly Mixtures (Ray Sage)
Dolly Mixtures (Dennis Gough)
Malmesbury Vics (Sue Trinder)
Malmesbury Vics (Derek Price)
Matadors (Eunice Hatto)
Matadors (Rob Hatto)
Matadors (Jim Trinder)
Matadors (Ray Flight)
Matadors (Eric Warner)
Rattlers (Martyn Scott)
Rifle Club (Alan Payne)
Rifle Club (Angie Payne)
Rifle Club (Don Baker)
Wooden Tops (Nigel Payne)
Wooden Tops (Martin Drew)
Playing at the Rose & Crown in Lea:
Alley Cats (Martin Harvey)
Arrows (Clive Lynch)
Arrows (Derek Cole)
Arrows (Jan Boulton)
Arrows (Pete Thornbury)
Brassmonkeys (Peter Fry)
Brassmonkeys (Rob McKellar)
Brassmonkeys (Sandra Butler)
Outsiders (Pam Bubb)
Outsiders (Margot Sprules)
Outsiders (Bob Cox)
Outsiders (Andy Lewington)
Red Bull (Chris Brace)
Wanderers (Steve Cousins)
Wanderers (Joan Taylor)
Wanderers (Tony Bloodworth)
Playing at the Volunteer, Great Somerford:
(Dave Pell)
(Sandra Pell)
(Sue Ball)
(Jennie Brock)
(Terry Brock)
(Colin Babel)
(Richard Babel)
(Phil Hicks)
(Neville Doel)
(George Guest)
(Sally Dix)
(Jim Dix)
(Sue Pratt)
(Richard Greenhill)
(Rob Biggin)
(Jonathan Loader)